Breakfast Discussion

Looking at current and future skills needs for key economic

sectors in a technology age – meeting supply with demand!

Date: 21 August 2018| Hotel


The ILO is exploring the possibility to develop a project for Cambodia on skills “Looking at current and future skills needs for key economic sectors in a technology age – meeting supply with demand”

There are several discussions between the ILO specialist on skills and employment with stakeholders to find possibility to develop a project that private sector can play in enhancing the skills and productivities for the country.

Taking the opportunity that the ILO Skills and Employability Specialist in the town, we together with ILO would like to present our breakfast discussion as schedule above

This discussion aims to enable the opportunity for employers representative to exchange and reflect on current skills development challenges and opportunities in their respective sectors. They will identify priority interventions to reduce skills mismatch and meet current and future skills demand, to this end Employers’ associations and companies will identify how to get more involved in the identification, design and implementation of skills development interventions.


  • Identification of key skills matching issues which should be addressed in the project
  • Review and discussion on current and potential workplace Based Learning structures: apprenticeship, internship, training at the work place?
  • Review and discussion on how can skills learning/recognition/certification be qualitatively improved?
  • Review and discussion on How can skills learning/recognition/certification be made more accessible to more people and how can technology play a role in this?
  • Review and agreement on how chamber and sectorial association can play a part in project implementation




+ Participants should be the board member or key secretariats of each BA/Chamber.
+ Make reservation before 20th August 2018.
+ The discussion will be in English!
+ Free for BA and Chamber
    Mr. Kong Chhayleng
    This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
    012 63 40 77 | 023 23 00 23
Mr. Magnet Julien   
Senior Skills and Employability Specialist ,ILO Regional Office  

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